value of atom中文什么意思

发音:   用"value of atom"造句
  • value:    n. 1.价值;重要性;益处。 2. ...
  • atom:    n. 1.原子。 2.微粒;微量。 ...
  • the atom:    原子能
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  1. Through studying the interaction between a two - level atom and a single mode emission field in rotating - wave approximations of jaynes - cummings model , the atom and the field are in a coupled superposition state - entangled state . the expectation value of atom dipole moment is always zero , but the fluctuation of dipole moment is a non - zero constant
    通过对旋波近似下j - c模型中的二能级原子和单模场相互作用体系的研究,得到激发态原子可演化为场和原子的耦合叠加态- - -纠缠态。


  1. value of all stocks 什么意思
  2. value of amplitude 什么意思
  3. value of an arrow 什么意思
  4. value of assessment 什么意思
  5. value of assessment; appraisement 什么意思
  6. value of autonomy 什么意思
  7. value of bond 什么意思
  8. value of business sale 什么意思
  9. value of business sales 什么意思
  10. value of calculation 什么意思


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